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Alex is a high-security inmate of Boulderton Prison, and the leader of the Sharp Tooth Gang.

Species Lion
Inmate ID 1022
Cell B104
Stats 6 STR 8 AGI 6 INT 6 CHR
Gang Sharp Tooth Gang (Boss)
Bond Skill Hunting Rhythm
Loved Gifts Premium Liquor

Full Background

Alex was born into a well-off family and received a good education. His father, Phillip "the Iron Fist", was the deputy police commissioner of St. Neil, the financial hub of the eastern part of the country. His strict law enforcement policies ensured that the city's crime rate was the lowest in the entire country. However, his unwavering devotion to his work ended up destroying his family. When Alex was 10 years old, his father led the police force to surround the city's last remaining gang hideout. All he had to do was give the order, and the cancer of organized crime would be eradicated from St. Neil. But just at that moment, he received the news that his wife had been kidnapped on her way to pick Alex up from school. The gang demanded that the police stand down and let the bosses walk free, or they would kill her. We have no way of knowing what efforts Alex's father made to save his wife, or how much internal struggle he went through, but in the end he gave the order to attack. St. Neil was never plagued by organized crime again, and Alex never saw his mother afterwards.

In the wake of the tragedy, the father and son never mentioned the incident in front of each other, as if bound by an unspoken covenant. After his father was promoted to commissioner, he was more absent from home than ever, and Alex grew used to the solitude. When he graduated from school, he joined the army and spent many years overseas, before returning to St. Neil to start a security company called Aegis. It was the day before Phillip the Iron Fist's retirement. Under the watchful eye of the media, the mayor was about to present the commissioner with a medal for his lifetime of dedication to the city.

Suddenly, a group of gunmen stormed city hall and took everyone hostage. Their leader was none other than Alex. He congratulated his father on receiving the medal for "selflessness" and gave him the chance to perform another heroic deed. He handed his father a pistol and said: "If you want to save the hostages, use this to kill yourself. You sacrificed my mother; now it's your turn to sacrifice yourself!" The old commissioner's eyes filled with tears. He made no attempt to justify himself, but just looked at Alex in silence. Then, with a choked "I'm sorry, son," he put the gun to his wrinkled temple and pulled the trigger.

The gun did not go off. It was empty. Alex wanted to uncover his father's mask of hypocrisy before the media, but it turned out that the old cop valued the city more than his own life. "Hmph, I'm bored now." No longer able to muster so much as an ounce of enthusiasm over this enemy, Alex gave the order to withdraw. However, not long after leaving City Hall, they were surrounded by the SWAT team. Alex was more than capable of breaking through and making an escape, but instead he led his team into a fierce highway gunfight, as if venting his anger. His men fell one by one, and Alex ran out of ammunition and was eventually captured.

He was sent to the prison in Boulderton, far away from St. Neil. This was the only request he made to the judge, as he did not want to be anywhere near the place he once called home.


This golden-maned lion is the boss of the Sharp Tooth Gang, which essentially makes him the king of the prison. His power reaches every corner of the place. From his loyal gang members to the corrupt guards who do his bidding for money, they are all his minions. So, if you want to keep anything secret, you better be extra cautious.



How to Bond

Bond while being a member of the Sharp Tooth Gang.