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Bernard is a medium-security inmate of Boulderton Prison.

Species Capybara
Inmate ID 2014
Cell B202
Stats 3 STR 3 AGI 5 INT 4 CHR
Gang Unaffiliated
Work Laundry Room
Bond Skill Retired Detective

Full Background


This highly cautious capybara was a police detective before he was incarcerated, which has to be the most unpopular profession in this place. He caught quite a few bad guys in his time, some of whom are locked up in this prison. As for how he ended up inside, he does not really like to talk about it.


A veteran of the department, Bernard was a detective for 20 years. His mantra was profit second, safety first. He was not averse to blackmailing punks or taking bribes from gangs, but whenever he was put on a big case, he would either take leave or just go AWOL. In short, he was not a good cop. One day two years ago, Bernard's old partner retired. He was assigned a new partner, a young groundhog named David who had just graduated from the academy. This caused a major headache for Bernard, as the rookie's determination to do everything by the book meant that Bernard could no longer get away with his dirty dealings. David was also highly ambitious and determined to make a name for himself in the department, so he would often ask for big cases without Bernard's knowledge. This completely went against Bernard's safety first principle. However, as time went on, David's sense of justice gradually infected Bernard, and he thought maybe he could help the kid. David's courage and determination coupled with Bernard's experience and gut instincts solved numerous big cases, and it was not long before the two rodents were the department's star partners. Just as Bernard was feeling proud of everything he had achieved since turning over a new leaf, another difficult case came along. A sadistic killer calling himself "The Reaper" appeared in the city. Savage and deranged, he would send puzzles to the police about who his next victim would be. David volunteered to take on the case, but this new opponent was extremely cunning, and the partners hit a brick wall. Unable to solve the murderer's puzzles, Bernard lost heart and turned to the bottle to drown his sorrows, while David, unwilling to give up, carried on investigating the case alone. A few days later, Bernard woke up with a hangover and found a letter from the killer in his mailbox. The puzzle was surprisingly simple, and Bernard did not take long to solve it. But his joy soon turned to fear, as the answer pointed to none other than David. Bernard rushed to David's house, but it was too late. David's body was badly mutilated, and in his mouth was stuffed with a note that read "The game is over, I'm happy." Back at the station, Bernard was racked with guilt over David's death and swore that he would bring the killer to justice. But just at that moment, The Reaper walked straight into the stated and handed himself in. It turned out that he had escape from a secure psychiatric hospital, and he knew that even if he was caught, he would simply be sent back for treatment. Before The Reaper was put in the van, he smiled at Bernard and gave him one last puzzle: "Who is the criminal that the police can never catch? The answer: One who turns himself in! Hahahaha!" His laughter echoed through the station. It was the laughter of victory. Indeed he had won. However, the winner never made it onto the van. A bullet from the loser blew his head off right then and there.

How to Bond

Bond while having befriended at least one lieutenant or boss from each gang.