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A high security inmate of Boulderton Prison. Bill is a member of the bigfoot gang, and doesn't seem too intelligent.

Species Buffalo
Inmate ID 0717
Cell A106
Stats 6 STR 4 AGI 3 INT 3 CHR
Gang Big Foot Gang(Member)
Work Roof Site
Bond Skill Rumination
Associates Evan
Loved Gifts Cold Beer, Beer

Full Background

He grew up on the streets and has a younger brother named Lincoln. The two of them dropped out of school at a young age and joined a gang, where they did menial tasks and made deliveries. That was until one day, when the boss needed someone to take out a witness. He made all the kids in the gang draw straws to see who would carry out the hit. Unfortunately, young Lincoln drew the short straw.

It was Bill who first brought Lincoln into the gang, and now he was about to see his little brother throw his whole life away. Racked with guilt, he stole the gun that the boss gave to Lincoln and went to carry out the hit instead.

However, Bill screwed up as he had never fired a gun before. The bullet grazed the witness' head, and Bill was shot three times by the marshal. The witness testified in court and Bill's gang was completely dismantled. Bill was sentenced to life for his attempt to murder the witness, but Lincoln was able to return to school with the help of the community.

Ten years later, Lincoln's excellent grades had earned him admission to a prestigious university. He had always told Bill that it was his dream school. As an older brother, Bill was overjoyed to see Lincoln finally free himself from the chaos of their childhood and start his journey toward a bright future. He always tells himself that he will gladly suffer in prison if it means that Lincoln is able to change his fate.


A hot-tempered buffalo, his curved horns and flared nostrils all say "don't mess with me!" He seems to have spent many years inside, and the way he speaks and interacts with other inmates follows a very strict set of unwritten rules. You need to be very careful when talking to him, as you never know when you will step into his "minefield".


He grew up on the streets and has a younger brother named Lincoln. The two of them dropped out of school at a young age and joined a gang, where they did menial tasks and made deliveries. That was until one day, when the boss needed someone to take out a witness. He made all the kids in the gang draw straws to see who would carry out the hit. Unfortunately, young Lincoln drew the short straw.

It was Bill who first brought Lincoln into the gang, and now he was about to see his little brother throw his whole life away. Racked with guilt, he stole the gun that the boss gave Lincoln and went to carry out the hit instead.

However, Bill screwed up as he had never fired a gun before. The bullet grazed the witness' head, and Bill was shot three times by the marshal. The witness testified in court and Bill's gang was completely dismantled. Bill was sentenced to life for his attempt to murder the witness, but Lincoln was able to return to school with the help of the community.

Ten years later, Lincoln' excelent grades had earned him admission to a prestigious university. He had always told Bill that it was his dream school. As an older brother, Bill was overjoyed to see Lincoln finally free himself from the chaos of their childhood and start his journey towards a bright future. He always tells himself that he will gladly suffer prison if it means that Lincoln is able to change his fate.

How to Bond

Bond while having Cold Beer in inventory.