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Full Background

He was born on skid row, a cesspool of criminals among the dumps and slums in the heart of Skidroad. His parents owned a fast food restaurant on the corner, struggling to keep the family afloat. However one fateful afternoon, he returned from school to see both his parents lying in a pool of blood behind the counter-just two more innocent lives lost in one of the many robberies that were all too common. The same tragedy played out day after day.

The horror Jumbo witnessed as a child forever changed how he saw the world, and he came to the realization that power is everything when the weak are denied even the chance to survive. This drove him to join a street gang, where his terrifying fists and sharp mind saw him rise through the ranks to become the leader. By the time he reached adulthood, no one in the whole of skid row dared go against him. However, not satisfied with all he had achieved, his next goal was to take control of the entire criminal underworld of Skidroad. Over several years, he used his overwhelming strength to take over other gangs' territories, until his power covered half of Skidroad. But just as he was about to realize his ambition, one of his men betrayed him. The police were lying in wait and caught him red-handed just as a major deal was going down.

For common criminals, this may well have been where the story ended, but Jumbo is not so easily defeated. He took out a rival gang's hitman in prison and soon established the Big Foot Gang. Using the prison as a new base, he remotely controls his loyal underlings who retreated to skid row in preparation for his comeback when he gets out of prison. Other than this, Jumbo has one other things to do: make whoever betrayed him pay in blood.


The largest prisoner in the joint, and leader of the Big Foot Gang. He knows his power means no one would dare mess with him, and his words and mannerisms clearly reveal his disdain for you. It would be wise not to make an enemy of him unless completely unavoidable.



How to Bond

Bond while being a member of the Big Foot Gang.