Saving and Loading

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Saving and Loading is referred to as Memory Recall in Back to the Dawn. The general idea is that your character is 'remembering' previous events when loading a save. You have three playthrough slots to use, which keep track of their own saves.


The game features an autosave system, the creates a new save every time your character enters a new area, or wakes up from sleeping. There are six autosave slots.   You can also manually save the game from the pause menu at any time you have control over your character. These saves are made at the bottom right of the Memory Recall page; you have ten of these slots per playthrough, and may load or overwrite them at any point. You have ten normal save slots to use.


You can load a save from the main menu, or any time you can control your character from within the pause menu. It is important to note that autosaves work a bit differently from normal saves - when you load an autosave, any autosave that's more recent than it will be automatically erased. So use autosaves carefully, and make sure you have a regular save back-up.