Escape Routes

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Below is a guide to all escape routes for Thomas the Fox, and their corresponding achievements.

The Star

Escape via paragliding off the roof.

Unlocking Roof Work

You can unlock working on the roof for 30 Good Conduct Credits from Bruce. Go onto the roof and inspect the circuit box on the east side of the roof.

Accessing the Roof at Night

After disassembling the toilet in your cell and placing the dummy on your bed, the roof can be accessed via jumping onto the second floor (requires 7 Agility) or having a cell on the second floor (requires 50 Good Conduct Credits). Climb the ladder on the top left to attempt to access the roof, only to discover it is blocked by a rotating fan.

Disabling the Fan

During the day, return to the roof with a pair of Rubber Gloves equipped, then disable the switch third from the top. This will disable the rotating fan allowing you to access the roof at night

Lassoing the Roof

On the roof, go to the area to the left of the asphalt bucket, and Thomas will think about how to get to the other side. Select the rope option, and combine it with the chimney. This will give Thomas the Idea to lasso a rope to the other side.
During the night, go to the roof and perform the lasso (requires a Strength roll) and access the other side.


Read Game of Kings I, II, and III. Reading the third book in the series unlocks the recipe for crafting the wingsuit.

Crafting the Wingsuit

The wingsuit is in three pieces: tail, left wing, and right wing. In total, you need:

  • two screws
  • eight wooden dowels
  • three bedsheets
  • two small iron plates
  • eight shoelaces

Most items can be obtained from inmates, Billy, etc. The wooden dowels are a little more complicated.

Obtaining Dowels

In order to craft wooden dowels, you need to access the workshop on the roof. The workshop is located in the center room on the roof. Go there at night, or sneak in during the day. You can turn a piece of lumber into a wooden dowel on the crafting table in the room.


With the three pieces of the wingsuit, go to the left side of the roof, then further left until you reach the water tower. Jump off the water tower and escape.

Completing this escape route grants the player The Star achievement.

The Chariot

Escape during the Riot on day 17.

You need to complete three tasks for Alex the Lion: obtaining lipstick, sketching the kitchen cellar, and getting the signed baseball.

Obtaining Lipstick

Without joining the Big Foot or Black Claw gang, talk to Alex the Lion after getting the Priority Visitation Privilege. Under "Gang Quests" select <QUEST NAME?>, a quest involving meeting a courier on the outside and retrieving an item for Alex. He gives you $300 to pay for the item.
When the chameleon courier arrives, you can pay for the item in full or attempt to haggle. Failing to haggle will result in the quest being failed. Obtain the lipstick from the courier and give it to Alex when you return to the Main Building.

Drawing Maps

Beginning on day <DAY NUMBER?>, Alex will give you a quest to map out the kitchen cellar

Entering the Cellar

  1. Unlock Kitchen work for 40 Good Conduct Credits
  2. Go to Shibata in the ingredient room to have him explain the task of carrying ingredients.
  3. Enter the Cellar. One of the pigs will tell you to return with flour and kick you out.
  4. Carry Flour into the cellar

With the free time, you can inspect 5 out of the 7 points of interest.

Entering the Cage

  1. During the morning, use the bathroom in the Kitchen to "discover" it.
  2. Enter the Back Room Club (the poker room) after Lunch and pretend to need to use the bathroom.
  3. Unlock the Cage (requires Cook's Key or lockpicking)

After inspecting all point of interest, paint the map of the cellar on the easel in the General Building.


When asking inmates for how to copy a palm print, ask Alex, and he will ask you to do a special task for him. Accept the "Special Mission" quest and go to the Mailroom. Lockpick the right cabinet in the Inmate Property Storeroom to retrieve the signed baseball.


During the Riot, sneak out the back of the Kitchen. Defeat Alex in combat and escape.

Completing this escape route grants the player The Chariot achievement.

The Magician

Peel an apple at midnight.

On day 14, go to the second floor lobby and listen to a conversation between Henry the Bear, Robert the Ring-tailed Lemur and Eddie the Opossum about the "Bloody Mary" legend.

Then, obtain a paring knife and an apple, and wait for the Thursday after the Riot when the entire prison is on lockdown. Wait until lockdown so the clock reads precisely 22:00. Look in the mirror in your cell and begin peeling the apple with the paring knife equipped. You must finish peeling the apple at precisely 00:00, so pass time by working out in your cell or folding paper cranes. Each iteration of peeling takes 5 minutes.

When the apple is finished peeling at precisely midnight, the mirror will glow and Thomas is teleported to Fallen Angels.

Completing this escape route grants the player The Magician achievement.

The Moon

Escape through the sewer in the Laundry Room.

You need to dig your way through the hole in the Laundry Room, then access the Sewer at night to escape.


Go to the Laundry Room and enter the Detergent mixing room alone. If someone is in the room, persuade or pay them to leave.

Then, move the cabinet in the top right corner of the detergent room. This will reveal a hole in the wall that can be dug out with the provided spoon on the floor. The spoon may break while digging, so make sure you have another spoon or craft a pickaxe.
After digging out the hole, enter the pipe area behind the detergent room.

Enter the pipe room, and loosen the valve with Rust Remover, crafted from the detergent room or obtained from other inmates.

Night Access

  1. Enter the area behind the wall of your cell by dismantling the toilet
  2. Open the hatch on the right side of the pipe area, optionally loosening it with 10 Rust Remover and waiting for a day. Enter the hatch
  3. Enter the Electrical Room of the Sewer and solve the puzzle to turn on the lights
  4. Go to the left side of the sewer area with the boarded-up door, and remove the boards.
  5. Once all the boards are removed, inspect the area at the right of the sewer area to give Thomas the idea to build a bridge.
  6. With a Hammer equipped, go to the removed wooden boards and build a bridge. (You can also do this without a hammer, but this takes much longer). You will place the bridge over the moat and can cross the gap.
  7. Go up and to the left, and go down the long hallway on the far left to access the Central Garden.
  8. Sneak past the guards in the garden, and unlock the Laundry room door with lockpicking.


After going into the Laundry Room at night, go into the hole you made earlier and open the valve on the pipe. After a long crawl through the narrow pipe, which will consume some of your health and all of your Body, you will reach the end. Defeat the Giant Crab boss to escape. Make sure you are well prepared for this boss fight.

Completing this escape route grants the player The Moon achievement.

The Tower

Escape from the cell tower outside the [[Locations#Infirmary|]].

Accessing the Operating Room

  1. Follow steps 1-6 of the sewer route in #Night Access
  2. Go up and follow the first long corridor. This will lead you to the Operating Room.
  3. Push the cart on the far right of the room up to the top left corner of the room, and climb up it to inspect the sink pipe.

Crafting Corrosive Solution

You need two empty toothpaste tubes, two Rust Removers, and two <ITEM?> The Corrosive solution recipe can be unlocked by bonding with Walter the Skunk, or reading <BOOK_NAME?> in the General Building. Craft the Corrosive solution and head to the infirmary.

Corroding the Sink

Access the infirmary and ask for painkillers or the anti-diarrhea shot to get Beth to leave the room. While she is gone, pour the corrosive solution down the sink. This will require multiple trips to the infirmary and possibly more than one corrosive solution. It is recommended to confess to Beth and get the treatment plan to have more opportunities to go to the infirmary. Once the sink is fully corroded, poke a hole in the sink basin to be able to access the infirmary from below.

Going to the cell tower

  1. Go back to the operating room and go up the hole you made earlier to enter the infirmary.
  2. Dismantle the iron bars on the windows with a screwdriver, and climb outside
  3. Jump across the gap or pick the lock on the door and climb up to the right to access the cell tower


Have a Lanyard-type item equipped (either a Belt or a Sports Belt) and begin climbing the tower. Searchlights will periodically scan the tower as you climb, and you need to pass Agility rolls to avoid them. If you are spotted by the searchlight, snipers will begin shooting at you as you continue climbing. Get shot too many times and it's game over.

It is recommended to maximize your Strength and Agility attributes before attempting the climb. Equipping the Belt, eating a Mushroom, smoking a cigarette, drinking a Soda, and eating a Jewel Scarab are items that can help you increase these attributes. Having the Energized! status, watching the movie Solo Ascent, and having the Blessing from donating to the Chapel are other ways you can maximize your likelihood of success.

Once you reach the top of the tower, zipline off the wire leading outside the prison to escape.

Completing this escape route grants the player The Tower achievement.


Escape after winning the fighting tournament.

The Tournament

To access this route, win the first four boxing fights in the Big Foot Gang's boxing ring. Make sure to sign up for the fight every Monday and Thursday.

The day after you win the fights, the Warden will call you into his office to participate in an underground fighting tournament outside the prison. Accept his offer and wait until lockdown that day to be taken to the city for the tournament. Do not bring any weapons with you, as they will be confiscated.

You will be taken to a private room where you can craft, shower, and get info about your opponents through the provided fighting videotapes. There isn't much to do in the room besides eat and work out. It is recommended to bring items such as Soap, Molotov Cocktails, and especially Bandages to aid you in the fights. New Game+ is also recommended if the fights are too difficult. Defeat Lakota the Bison, Apache the Condor, and Rex the Monitor Lizard to win the tournament and take home the prize!


After winning, you will be taken to the VIP Lounge to celebrate. Billy and Clark leave the room to launder the prize money, giving you an opportunity to escape. Drag the cart over to the top right corner of the room under the vent, then bring the box in the room to stack on top of the cart. Dismantle the vent cover with your trophy and crawl in to escape. You will be caught by Billy upon heading outside, and need to pass a quick-time event to dodge the gunshots. After the bullet ricochets off your trophy and hits him, you make your escape into the night.

Completing this escape route grants the player the Strength achievement.

The Sun

Escape during a "conjugal visit".

In order to do this escape route, you must discover the truth about the missing accountant, confront the suspects, and escape with their help.

Discovering Lisa's Body

Unlock access to the Sewers and Staff Block, and prepare the location for entering at night.

Then, on Day 9, the Poopy Pendant Quest in the Barbershop will unlock, asking you to retrieve a pendant that's been flushed down the toilet. You need to accept this quest, or Thomas will be unable to search the septic tank.

Opening the Septic Tank

Opening the Septic Tank requires either passing a Strength roll or obtaining the two pieces of the crank. The socket piece is obtained in the septic tank room, while the rod piece is obtained at the collapsed part of the sewer near a metal sheet. Go to the septic tank room located left of the ladder you enter the sewers from.

(TODO: Add images for the crank piece locations.)

After getting the required items to open the septic tank, begin searching the septic tanks one by one. One of them will contain a large and heavy object wrapped in a tarp. Look into the tarp and you will be shocked to see the dead, decomposing body of an antelope inside. Observe the dead body closely and Thomas will deduce the body was Lisa, the missing accountant, and her hand had been chewed off. You will observe that the tarp has a clue on it: the code "TC-13" is printed on the corner. Your next task is to search the prison for clues relating to the code "TC-13".

Finding the Clues


This clue is located in the corridor between the mailroom and the inmate property storeroom. To access it, unlock work in the mailroom, then gain the guard's trust enough that he will let you record the inspected mail. Record the mail and you will have some free movement time. Go to the cabinet at the rightmost corner of the room and investigate the documents on top of it. One will have the "TC-13" you are looking for, along with the entry that Billy lost a tarp to a cigarette burn and needed to replace it.

Billy's Debt

Go to the Guard Lounge at night, and head upstairs to the guard's lockers. Lockpick Deputy Captain Billy's locker open and you will find bank statements indicating he is heavily in debt, a letter from Lisa breaking up with him, and a pawn shop receipt for an expensive bracelet. Thomas will conclude Billy murdered Lisa and resolve to get the evidence for the deed outside the prison.

Getting the Tarp Piece

With a pair of Scissors or another Blade-type Item, return to the site of Lisa's body and cut out the piece of tarp as evidence. You will need to sneak it out of the prison through the mail somehow.

Sneaking out the evidence

In the General Building, assemble a collage with the tarp piece, then write a fake love letter on the table in your cell and enclose the tarp piece inside. Send the letter and wait a day for it to exit the prison and reach the outside.

Confronting Billy

You are now ready to confront Billy with the evidence. Confront him, and Thomas will tell him all about his method of entering the sewers, the discovery of the body, and the evidence he collected and sent. Billy will fold, and admit he did dispose of Lisa's body, but her death was an accident. You will then blackmail him into helping you escape the prison. Billy will tell you to get a woman you trust to make a conjugal visit, as there is a path from the visit room to the Warden's office and down to the parking lot, and he will distract the guards.

You now have three options for that woman: Maggie, Beth, or Barbara

  • Maggie - You need to have repaired your relationship with her over the phone and gotten back together with her. Call her on the phone and ask for this critical assistance.
  • Beth - You need to be in a relationship with her by raising your Affection with her on your visits to the infirmary. Visit her in the infirmary and ask her for this critical assistance.
  • Barbara - You need to have her number, which you can buy for $150 from Alex the Lion, and pay her at least $500 via wire transfer. Transfer the money by talking to Billy, of which you can pay all of it or persuade Billy to pay a portion.

Once you have the conjugal visit arranged, tell Billy and wait until the next morning to make your escape!

Completing this escape route grants the player The Sun achievement.