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Max is a high-security inmate of Boulderton Prison, and a lieutenant of the Black Claw Gang.

Species Honey Badger
Inmate ID 1737
Cell B207
Stats 4 STR 5 AGI 4 INT 4 CHR
Gang Black Claw Gang (Lieutenant)
Work Roof Site
Bond Skill Giant Killer
Associates Caesar
Loved Gifts Mint Roll-Up
Premium Cigarette, TBA

Full Background

Max comes from a military family. His grandfather, father, and uncle were all war heroes. He grew up with the strong ambition to become a soldier and make his mark on the battlefield. After several years of tough training, he finally achieved his dream of joining the famous Echo Force special operations unit, and was deployed all around the world to perform the most complex, classified, and dangerous missions.
But combat was nothing like Max had imagined. There was no glory, heroism, or honor. Battle was the cries of children echoing through the ruined cities, sand and mud in his nose and mouth, and sniper fire that seemed to come from nowhere. The fear of death gradually made his comrades numb, cold, and ruthless.
Max's team had just finished taking out an enemy stronghold. While sweeping the battlefield, he discovered a secret underground room. Inside was a large amount of gold. "Hey, we should split it, shouldn't we? Consider it compensation for our traumas," laughed Nick the Bison. "Forget about it, man. See these prisoners. Someone's gonna snitch," warned Steve the Porcupine. Then Max came up with what he thought was a good idea: "Maybe we can make a deal with 'em? Tell 'em to keep their mouths shut and get the hell outta here." Major Michael the Moose dismissed the proposal. "Kid, they'll go straight to the press and expose us. The media will turn the whole thing into a shitstorm." Nick was not happy: "What?! So we're just gonna turn it in so the politicians and pencil pushers can take it for themselves?!" "No, we don't have to worry about it getting out, replied Michael calmly, "because the dead can't talk." Before anyone could respond, the Major shot one of the prisoners in the head.
He then ordered the others to execute one prisoner each, to give them leverage over each other in case any one of them decided to "find their conscience" in the future. Nick hesitated for a moment, but pulled the trigger because he needed money to send home to his pregnant wife. However, Max and Steve refused; they still believed in a sense of honor among warriors.
"I'm out. You can have my share. I didn't sign up to be an executioner," exclaimed Steve and walked toward the door. But before he could set foot outside, Michael put a bullet in his back. The moose was now in a frenzy of blind greed.
A firefight broke out in the secret room. Max decided to help the wounded Steve. He shot Nick dead as Steve laid down covering fire, and then he engaged Michael in hand-to-hand combat. Although the tiny honey badger was like a rag doll compared to the enormous moose, Max used his speed and agility to climb onto Michael's back, then use his sharp, powerful teeth to break the murderer's neck.
The fight was over. Poor Steve died of blood loss, and the two surviving prisoners escaped amid the chaos. Now all of the gold was Max's for the taking, but it gave him no happiness.
Max sold the gold on the black market and divided it into four shares: one for himself, and one each for Steve, Nick, and Michael's families. A few days later, the investigation team came for Max. Just as Michael had predicted, the two escaped prisoners had told the media what happened in the secret room. The Echo Force scandal shocked the nation, and Max was court-martialed for looting and dealing in captured property.


A honey badger with a flat white head, whose prison nickname is Landmine! With a temper as explosive as his nickname implies, even the slightest glance is enough to make him fly off the handle. He is extremely sensitive about his height, and often boasts that he can take anyone in a fight, no matter how big they are.



How to bond

Stay up all night in segregation or choose Thomas' War Correspondent past.