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A medium-security inmate at Boulderton Prison, Ray approaches life from outside the box with the flamboyance of a true artiste.

Species Unicorn (Self-Id),
Racehorse (Biologically)
Inmate ID 1218
Cell A208
Stats 4 STR 6 AGI 3 INT 8 CHR
Gang Unaffiliated
Work Kitchen
Bond Skill Charmer
Associates Chris
Loved Gifts Scented Soap,

Full Background


A brown horse who claims to be a unicorn. He may looks slightly odd, but his artistic flamboyance is never dull. He rejects gender stereotypes, and has a unique view of the relationship between gender and self. He makes no secret of his love for handsome guys.


Ray was born to a well-off family, and his mother and father were both prominent figures in racing circles. As the only son, Ray's parents had high expectations that he would follow in their illustrious footsteps, but he was far more interested in dancing and painting than boring racing. Because of his rebellious nature and increasingly obvious attraction to the same sex, the tension between Ray and his parents gradually intensified. Finally, on the day he reached adulthood, he chose to leave his hometown and escape to the city.

He bummed around the city for many years, during which he worked as a life model, an extra, and - when times were particularly hard - he even performed in a few adult movies. However, he never considered swallowing his pride and going home, as the hardships of life were a small price to pay for that which he valued most: Freedom.

Ray's apartment was above The Red Light, a small bar hidden in a secluded alley. The rent was not that high, and his part-time job in the bar paid enough to cover his living expenses. However, nightfall was when the bar's 'dating service' would begin. Every evening, pretty young women (and sometimes not so pretty) would order cheap, watered-down drinks, and wait for the bar's phone to ring. When it did, it was Ray's job to relay the requests and call taxis for the girls.

"Why hasn't Coco shown again?", asked one girl. "Ha ha, bitch probably got some 'work related injuries'," came the reply. "But Caroline hasn't shown up for a week either," exclaimed the first girl. "Maybe they got lucky and bagged a sugar daddy?!" The girls chitter-chatters caught Ray's attention. Although their jobs were not exactly respectable, he knew that they were all just trying to make a living in difficult circumstances, exactly like him. This was especially true for Coco, a single mother whose ex-boyfriend had scammed her out of all her belongings, and was forced to sell herself at The Red Light in order to feed her baby.

The sudden disappearances of these girls made Ray feel uneasy. He checked the phone records, and was shocked to find that the missing girls had all been called to the same place. Just then, the phone rang. Ray answered as usual, and the gruff voice on the other end of the line said the address that he had just seen. Sensing the danger, Ray didn't tell the girls. Instead, he put on a dress and went to the appointment himself.

Waiting near the address was a Tasmanian Devil wearing a flat cap. He did not see through Ray's disguise in the darkness, and even lustfully remarked on his beauty. The Tasmanian Devil took Ray to a dilapidated house. After negotiating the price, he offered Ray a drink to help 'get in the mood'. Ray instantly guessed what the slimeball was planning, and switched the glasses when the Tasmanian Devil wasn't looking. The Tasmanian Devil drank the spiked drink, and immediately fell to the floor, paralysed.

Ray searched the house, and eventually found a secret room. Inside were the bruised and battered Coco, as well as the bodies of Caroline, and another girl he did not know. Anger, remorse, and pity surged through Ray's mind like a stampede of wild horses. He could not forgive the vile murderer, but he could also not forgive himself for sending the girls into his evil clutches.

With a stamp of his hoof, Ray crushed the killer's skull, bringing an end to his wicked life. The next day, Ray turned himself into the police - in his mind at least - as both a murderer, and an accomplice to murder.

Coco, however, recovered from her ordeal, and worked with some of the other Red Light girls to open a legitimate beauty parlor and leave 'dating' behind. They've offered Ray free makeovers when he gets out, but it'll be hard to improve on perfection in Ray's eyes!

How to Bond

Bond while having read the entirety of Man Style.