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Using his charms and looks, the medium-security inmate, Chris, plans to seduce the prison to secure power and protection.

Species Lynx
Inmate ID 1723
Cell B101
Stats 4 STR 8 AGI 4 INT 7 CHR
Gang Unaffiliated
Work Laundry Room
Bond Skill Rose Thorn
Associates Jimmy, Ray, Alex
Loved Gifts Coloured Paper Crane,
Scented Soap

Full Background


A handsome lynx who, unlike other ferocious animals, exudes an air of refinement and sophistication. He invited you to team up with him to gain control of the prison by seducing the staff and other inmates. You declined his offer, but may still change your mind.


Chris grew up in an orphanage. One summer, the Wanderlust theater company came to perform in the city, and Chris was asked to join them because of his good looks. Another boy, Jack the Leopard, who was two years older than him was also chosen. When he first joined, Chris was constantly bullied by the other members because of his quiet and reclusive nature, but Jack would always help him. Gradually, Chris developed a dependence on Jack, as well as some other, more intense, feelings. The pair would always have a few beers, and talk nonsense after a show. Sometimes, Chris would lean on Jack, and listen to him play the harmonica out of tune.

Time flew by, and the boys grew up. One day, the company's ringleader announced that he was retiring, and that his daughter Annie's fiancé would take over. Just as Chris was wondering what kind of jerk would marry the owner's little girl, Jack came out onto the stage and took Annie's hand. Feeling betrayed, Chris confronted Jack in private. But Jack told him that he and Annie had been in love for a long time, and that his relationship with Chris was just a misunderstanding. "Maybe you're right," said Chris. After all, Jack had never made his views on their relationship clear, and friendship and love can sometimes be difficult to distinguish. So, early the next morning, Chris packed his bags and left the company, leaving all his memories behind.

After leaving the company, Chris became a completely different person. Losing Jack inflicted a deep, emotional wound that manifested as depraved behavior. He began to use his appearance as a weapon, and his feelings as a tool. Sometimes he would cheat on naive young women, and sometimes he would hook up with nasty old perverts. This is how he spent many years, until one day when he saw a Wanderlust poster in a store window. They were back in the city! Perhaps due to a deep sense of longing inside him, Chris bought a ticket and went to the show.

During the intermission, he went backstage. It felt so familiar and strangely unfamiliar. He hoped to catch a glimpse of Jack, even if only from afar. But what he saw in the office shook him to his core. Through the gap in the doorway, he saw a now overweight Jack roughly taking a fresh-faced, young actor over his desk! So much for 'just a misunderstanding'! In that instant, he knew the man he so idolized was nothing more than a lying scumbag! Overcome with rage, Chris picked up a prop sword, and burst into the office.

He managed to inflict a wound across Jack's front before he was subdued, but Chris feels Jack probably wishes it had been fatal, considering.

How to Bond

Bond while having a minimum of 10 Charisma.