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As with any prison, Boulderton has gangs. Three have emerged to control the prison, though the uneasy truce between the trio is beginning to crack.

The Big Three

Interacting with Gangs

Many inmates do odd jobs for different gangs, hoping to earn favor and cash – and you're no exception. You can approach any gang leader and ask them about jobs they may have available, or ask to see their gang's store to buy items. These items will be delivered under your bed the next day, after headcount. When you have enough trust with a gang, you may choose to join it, in order to get access to special items in their gang shops, access to unique quests, and access to their facilities free of charge. Be warned that joining a gang will cut off the ability to join other gangs, and you will not be able to interact with other gangs' leaders, either.

Big Foot Gang

The Big Foot Gang consist of hardened criminals, who have focused on controlling the physical aspects of prison life – namely, accessing the weight pit, and running underground boxing matches. They are lead by Jumbo, an elephant who desires power through strength.

  • Jumbo (Boss)
  • Frank (Lieutenant)
  • Evan (Lieutenant)
  • Bill
  • Diego
  • Franklin
  • Tony
  • Winston

Sharp Tooth Gang

The Sharp Tooth Gang are thieves, who consider everything theirs for the taking; they use cunning and tricks to get their way, and will exploit anything they can. They control the basketball court, and access to the TV room. Alex the Lion leads this group, and he's always thinking three steps ahead...

  • Alex (Boss)
  • Crunchy (Lieutenant)
  • Vladimir (Lieutenant)
  • Bob
  • Hakuna
  • Henry
  • Vincent

Black Claw Gang

The Black Claw Gang prefers to wait and watch, taking action when the moment is ripe; they run a loansharking business in the prison, and control the general building. Their leader, Caesar, is typically subtle, but if the boat is rocked, the Black Claw will respond with everything they have.

  • Caesar (Boss)
  • Max (Lieutenant)
  • Raphael (Lieutenant)
  • Fernando
  • Noodle
  • Phil
  • Richard
  • Whitey